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Cultural Quotient in adult education: a lever to decrease polarization in Europe?

Duration: 01/11/2021 – 31/10/2023
One of the corner stones of European identity consists out of celebrating and embracing cultural diversity. Racism, xenophobia, bigotry, prejudices and hate crimes are on the rise – are these dynamics putting our identity under threat?

Does enhancing our cultural intelligence (or so called ‘cultural quotient’ or ‘CQ’) make us more resilient to these trends? Does improved CQ stand for a better preservation of our individual freedoms as European citizens, can it help us better safeguard the values of peace, tolerance and acceptance so that we can better protect ethnic and cultural minorities in our communities?

This project brings together 8 organizations, located in Belgium, Ireland, Germany, Greece, Croatia, Spain and Italy, that explore how to implement the CQ model a skills area in adult education. Furthermore we also evaluate how this can contribute not only to increased awareness, but also mobilizes to change behaviour in day to day practice.

What is CQ?

Cultural intelligence or ‘cultural quotient’ (‘CQ’) is the extend to which individuals can relate and work accross cultures. It is the capability to cross boundaries and prosper in multiple cultures. It goes beyond our existing knowledge of cultural sensitivity and awareness by highlighting certain skilssets and capabilities needed to successfully realise personal and professional objectives in culturaly diverse situations.

People with high cultural intelligence are attuned to the values, beliefs, attitudes and body language of people from different cultures. They use this knowledge to help them relate to others with empathy and understanding.

Want to explore more? Check out this website.

Who are we?

We are a curious collective of adult educators and innovative thinkers who hope to contribute to making society more inclusive and future proof.

Blenders is the coordinating partner in this tightly-knit consortium with The Square Dot Team (Belgium), Spectrum Research Centre CLG (Ireland), Skills Elevation FHB (Germany), KENTRO MERIMNAS OIKOGENEIAS KAI PAIDIOU (Greece), Ustanova za obrazovanje odraslih Dante (Croatia), Academia Postal 3 (Spain), SPEHA FRESIA SC (Italy).

Map project partners

Project results

The concrete results or outputs that we aim to ellaborate within this consortium are threefold:

  • A compendium of interactive infographics that address fundamental issues related to cultural diversity and tolerance.
  • An In-service Training Programme for Front-line Adult Educators.
  • An Online Platform and virtual Community of Practice to connect adult educators transnationally.


This project will develop specific, targeted and engaging educational materials to support people and at-risk adults to develop their cultural intelligence. Consortium partners strongly believe that building the key skills and attitudes in adult learners to promote cross-cultural awareness should be a priority to empower the European citizens of tomorrow to break the spell of multicultural skepticism and set the pathway to a more inclusive Europe, that openly accepts and celebrates its rich diversity.

Project details

Project Name: CQ+
Programme: Erasmus+
Priority: Cooperation partnerships in adult education
Project ID: KA220-ADU
Duration: From 1-11-2021 to 31-10-2023
Topics: Adult education

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