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Broadening our Diagonistic and Therapeutic Landscape

Find out more about our speakers, inspirators and facilitators.


Medical Doctor – Integral Health

Frans Bakker is an enthusiastic doctor and human being who has spent his entire life on change processes in people and groups. He first did this as a GP in the first integral health center in Rotterdam. After a period in America as a doctor, he returned to the Netherlands and guided people and companies in change processes. He calls these kinds of processes 'changespiration'.

His vision is that all systems (including people) want to continue developping over and over again towards each time a new whole of higher order. This happens when we allow, inspire and facilitate this process without judgments and conditions. The system then first goes through purification (corrects itself) in which what is no longer usable, is released and (re) organizes itself into this new whole. This whole is always integral, without separation of body, emotions and spirit and always in connection with others and the world around us. This change process is supported by doing something else at all levels of our lives. To this end he has developed a lifestyle pyramid with the meaning, relationships and sexuality, work and activities, exercise and nutrition. These also form an integral whole again.


Director Vrouwenacademie NL

Tamara Beekmans is one of Dutch well-known coaches for highly sensitive women. She has helped more than a thousand women in Europe, in their process from head to heart.

Her strength is that she looks through the ego mechanism of the other, in which she sees the soul in full potential. As a result, this transformation and healing process is put into operation. She has developed a unique method in which she teaches women how to heal themselves and how they step out of their patterns, which has a life-changing effect. As a result, they develop a strong foundation.


Medical Doctor, Autor, Professional Trainer

Medical doctor and author of 15 books on Mindfulness with over 140,000 copies sold in Belgium & The Netherlands. Some of his books have been translated into French and German. Thousands of people have joined his courses and professional trainings. He collaborated with several universities for scientific research. You can visit his website on www.daviddewulf.be.

During this workshop David will focus on practical insights and exercises to boost your resilience ( mental, emotional and physical).

There ll be attention for the brain & its (in)capacity for happiness, and the practical implications.


Medical Doctor/General Practicioner – Founder InnSaeiMed - Seminar Organiser

Practising physician, passionate by the power of the mind and the human being. Her approach is based upon a rich expirience of personal development and is as such embodying the full meaning of what an empowerd patient/human could look like. Sustainable health care, built on a broader diagnostic landscape and fueled by a range of complementary leverage points providing a capability to grow beyond the paradigm of recurring complaints and treatment needs. She is prototyping this Health 4.0 approach in her own practise in Bilzen.



Stephan Hausner is "Heilpraktiker" with international reputation in systemic constellation work in the field of illness and health. His work shows that diseases cannot be reduced to an individual phenomenon of the patient. Solutions for patients often require that their diseases or symptoms are recognized as embedded in a larger, often transgenerational family context.

Stephan Hausner is author of the book: Even if it cost me my life - Systemic Constellations and Serious Illness, available in 10 languages.

More information: www.stephan-hausner.de.


Impact Generator – Health 4.0

Senior expert in organisational learning, innovation and change (GOLDEN), Business- & Community Impact Generator (BLENDERS) and stimulator of global and local Health 4.0 initiatives. Active in healthcare environment and industry for more than 25 years.


Youth Physican

Wico Mulder (1973) studied Medical Biology and Medicine at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. After finishing both studies he worked and gained experience in the fields of ENT Head and Neck surgery, General Practitioning, The Dutch Army and the (Medical) Creative & Advertising Industry. Since 2009 he works as a Youth Physician for adolescent at the GGD Amsterdam and as a Physician (lifestyle specialist) / coach at Mind & Health Naarden. At the moment he is finishing his specialization and masters in Public Healthcare. Wico initiated and participated in several innovative off- and online (research) projects and his main focus at the moment is prevention and developing better healthcare for adolescents. For example www. jouwggd.nl – At TNO Health he teaches doctors on the ins- and outs on The Internet of Things & eHealth. He has a special interest in change and transformation, especially when it comes to gaining and developing (better) mental and physical health through screening and coaching and by using & integrating off- and online (technological) innovations.


Osteopath – Private Coach Top Athletes

Fysiotherapist, Osteopath (1996) and teacher in Osteopathy (since 1997).
Specialized in Osteopathy with childen, mother-child interference (from multicultural experience).
Unleashes potential of adults coping with their child wounds.

Worked with olympic gold winners from 1992 to 2006 and stimulates now individuals and companies to attain their olympic level.

Co-founder of InnSaeiMed with Dr. Els Forier.


Researcher of Human and Spiritual Potential

He is a researcher of human and spiritual potenziale he workshop in Bruxelles, Italy, Brazil. He graduated in motor science, specialized in Techniques of Preventive and Adapted Physical Activities, postural technique Pancafit method, he studied Rebirthing, he practices Bioenergetic exercises and he follows the Tao discipline, he studierò Counseling, shiatsu. He love music and playstation didgeridoo Shamanic drums and flute During the RebirthWings workshop. He is called by meditation and mantra cause he esperimento the great power that these practises have to uplift the whole energy to a new state of consciousness. He married the mission The New Family and participate to the organization of the communities of the new age, described in the book: “The New Family; the communities of the new age”.

Jeltsje TACK


Jeltsje Tack has been an all round cardiologist for many years. Always looking for the WHY things happen, she already as a student was involved in the early days of molecular biology (-the smallest level of the body-) oncogene research. As a cardiologist however she noticed how important the ‘individual’ is in the disease process. His mind, thoughts, emotions. So she kept digging in science for the Why, not to find any answers. When this manifested in her family too she hesitantly took on a journey in the Barbara Brennan School of Healing to see if there were answers to be found outside of science. Learning about the human psyche and energy field, and seeing that being reflected back in her patients, she did find anchors to start understanding the underlying dynamics of health and dis-ease, and the central role of the heart therein. With brilliant minds focusing only on the body, science has discovered great things but lost the heart and all its wisdom on the way. So she passionately delved into ancient traditions as well as neuroscience and quantum physics to find a way to combine ancient wisdom and modern science for curing and caring both with mind and heart. After almost 6y being the Medical Director of a Community Hospital she stepped down to bring that back to her patients, in the fullest way possible.


Spiritual Therapist

Works with people with love and presence since 15 years. She leads groups, she teaches by using body work, energy work, authentic communication, transformation of ’ lower self’, cultivation of ‘higher self’. She developed with Tahrin the Rebirthwings Method for self and consciousness exploration.