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Art As Leverage | Empowered by creativity

Afbeelding Art as Leverage Voorstelling 19 02 22

Art As Leverage | Empowered by creativity

This project turns vulnerability into strength through the power of art.

How can creativity contribute to personal development and basic skills?

In exploring this central question, we aim to instigate structural cooperation and cocreation between formal and non-formal education. Our goal is to elaborate an innovative social-artistic learning method through which we connect and strengthen each other.

We want this method to especially cater for the needs of persons threatened by undereducation, illiteracy, unemployment, poverty.

Every dream matters.
Everyone matters.

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We proudly share some of the activities that students who participate in this project, worked on. Each activity leads to a product, a show, an event that grew from participant’s hearts and dreams. Is tapping into your own potential and overcoming shyness, fear and doubt something that helps you participate in todays’ society? Can it strengthen you to keep on striving for upskilling your way at school and in your daily life?

Please take a glimpse at these intermediate outputs from Art As Leverage and be sure to see it for yourself at one of our upcoming events.

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Creative workshops

  • Theatre Workshop I

In this performance, a group of 15 newcomers who speak a foreign language – who are also students at Ligo – get together with theatre makers Stefan Perceval and Marit Stocker to work on their stories and dreams.

Who are they, what is in their hearts, what are their dreams?

Stefan and Marit guided this group to the performance, but the active makers were the participants themselves. This performance was made and is played by them.

The photography works of other students were exhibited in the hall. As part of the same project, they worked with Juan Monte in the DeRuimte art studio on photography and the visual arts.

Methodology and lessons learned

  • Theatre Workshop II

In this performance, which was the output of our second theatre workshop, a new group of participants who speak a foreign language – who are also students at Ligo – got together with theatre makers Stefan Perceval and Marit Stocker to work on their stories and dreams.

Stefan and Marit guided this group to the performance, but the active makers were the participants themselves. This performance was made and is played by them.

Methodology and lessons learned

  • Photography Workshop I

With a group of 8 students that expressed their motivation to participate in a photography workshop, we explored new crafts and ways of expression through photography in combination with various visual techniques at De Ruimte. Under guidance of Juan Monte, we explored textures, colours, light, what role they play and how they are of importance in this craft but also what they mean in our daily life. We rehearsed expressing our taste in how we want the end result of our art to become and at the same time we trained ourselves to find the right words in a language that is not our own.

The photography works of the students were exhibited in the hall of the venue where the performance of the theatre workshop took place on February 19th.

Methodology and lessons learned

  • Photography Workshop II

We started with a group of 9 students that expressed their motivation to participate in a photography workshop, and 5 students completed the workshop. We explored new crafts and ways of expression through photography in combination with various visual techniques at De Ruimte. Under guidance of Juan Monte, we explored textures, colours, light, what role they play and how they are of importance in this craft but also what they mean in our daily life. We created tote bags with our names on it, and worked with masks that are shields to our true face and at the same time give us the choice on how we want to present ourselves toward the outside world.

Methodology and lessons learned

Why we do it

It is estimated that more than 13 million children under 15 in Europe have poor reading skills. And more than 55 million adults between 15 and 65 have literacy problems. The sense of urgency is clear in Europe.

Illiteracy has consequences for the labour market and the workplace. Working on literacy in the workplace increases independence and contributes to the personal development of employees.
Low-literates have difficulty keeping up in a rapidly evolving knowledge society.

Illiteracy is also a problem when citizens come into contact with different services within a city or municipality. Especially since digitization is rapidly growing.

Post-traumatic stress and worries, which is occuring with most people who had to flee their home due to war, hinders learning. We must enable broader support for traumatised refugees, so that language acquisition and integration also run more smoothly. Creativity can play a major role in this.

Who are we

We are a curious collective of makers and thinkers from various (art) disciplines who conducted an applied research into creativity and art as lever for adult education, basic skills and talent development.

Together with partners in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands, we explore how to capture insights and learning outputs in a comprehensive and accessible methodology.

  • Blenders (Belgium)
    • A sensor for needs and opportunities in society, always looking to develop new solutions or strengthen existing ones. We make change happen for and by people: innovation for all by all. In doing so we focus on needs and opportunities like adult education, digital inclusion, environmental sustainability, entrepreneurship.
    • Contact person: Hanneke Claessen
  • Ligo (Belgium)
    • The umbrella organisation for the centres for basic education in Flanders, which is committed to developing and adjusting agogic projects, raising awareness of literacy, representing the interests of employers and the target group, monitoring and influencing regulations.
    • Contact person: Niki Swinnen
    • Visit website: https://www.ligo.be/
  • deRuimte (Belgium)
    • A studio and gallery for visual arts and screen printing, a meeting place. We focus on people from vulnerable groups, people who have difficulty finding their place in society. We look at their talents and strengths and connect with companies, artists, associations and social institutions.
    • Contact person: Juan Monte
    • Visit website: https://www.deruimte.art/
  • HETGEVOLG (Belgium)
    • HETGEVOLG has a big heart for people who fall outside the regular social circuit: foreign-language newcomers, young refugees, people in poverty ... We set up projects with them and in this way give 'the other' a face and a story. A story in which everyone recognizes themselves. So that 'the other' is suddenly close by.
    • Contact person: Stefan Perceval
    • Visit website: https://hetgevolg.be/
  • Nieuwe Veste (Netherlands)
    • Nieuwe Veste is a cultural organisation situated in Breda. This organisation consists of a library, a center for the Arts and a cultural education agency. Nieuwe Veste wants to offer children a broad basis in Art, Culture and Language, as well as help young people broaden their view of the world and encourage adults to actively participate in society.
    • Contact person: Lianne Knobel
    • Visit website: https://www.nieuweveste.nl/
  • Beschäftigung und Bildung (Germany)
    • Beschäftigung und Bildung is a recognized sponsor of youth welfare. We advise, qualify and support people in difficult phases of life to develop self-determined, new and real perspectives within the scope of their personal aims and possibilities.
    • Contact person: Denise Knappe
    • Visit website: https://bb-hamburg.de/

What we do

During a two-year cultural participation process, we work to strengthen and connect vulnerable students.

We focus on the development and integration of skills through creativity and arts. We formulate responses to the increasing demand and acceptance of learning through effective outreach, guidance and motivation strategies. We strengthen teachers and other staff who support adult learners.

From this practice, we extract a connective socio-artistic methodology that can be sustainably deployed in learning environments.


  1. To organize creative learning activities in Belgium together with and for vulnerable students.
  2. To organize creative learning activities in Germany together with and for vulnerable students.
  3. To strive towards a flourishing learning community through blended learning.
  4. To produce a research report that allows the project results to be disseminated.
  5. To organize a multiplier event that allows us to share project results, outcomes and insights with a broad network.


What immediate change do we want to affect?

  • Participants become more resilient and learn to take their own responsibility in developing their creations.
  • Participants will be confronted with their limitations like diffidence, stage fright, male-female relationships, dealing with other cultures, power relations, etc. But they will also learn to overcome these limitations and to discover, develop and promote their talents.
  • The student learns to become the owner of his own path and hopefully, with this acquired ownership, he can take on other challenges in his learning process.

What intermediate change do we want to affect?

  • Emancipation of vulnerable groups: exchange of world views leading to more openness; discovering hidden talents, getting along better, forming a team, increasing self-confidence through passion and motivation.
  • Adult education has a positive influence not only on adults but also on their children. Literate parents are more involved in their children’s school and career.
  • Organisations will achieve better results, the quality of service will increase by working together.
  • This can have a huge impact on the participants’ potential to participate in society and thus increase their quality of life.

What concrete ‘things’ will we produce?

  • Socio-artistic methodology that serves as a means to learn basic skills and to stimulate connection and self-expression. This method focuses on the student and approaches him/her/them from an integral viewpoint: as a learner and as a person.
  • Qualitative impact measurement
  • Research report ‘colours and lines’
  • Op 24 januari 2023 organiseerde Blenders samen met het consortium dat achter het Art As Leverage project staat, het slotevent ‘Hearts On Stage’ (= ‘multiplier event’). In theaterwerkplaats HETGEVOLG konden genodigden proeven van de ontwikkelde sociaal-artistieke methodiek. Dit werd in volgende programmatie gegoten:
    • introduction by Kris Verellen
    • images say more than words: video
    • musical invitation by Hannekesnest
    • theatre workshop with Stefan Perceval
    • creative workshop with Juan Monte
    • workshop the bridge between theory and practice